Shoalhaven Heads Native Botanic Garden Incorporated (SHNBG)
SHNBG is an incorporated association in New South Wales, with registration number INC9893241 dated 4 May 2010. One of the benefits of this status is that it enables us to apply for government and community grants, and successful applications have been essential to our development.
SHNBG has adopted the Model Constitution issued by NSW Fair Trading. This provides the structure within which our association operates and a copy of this is available from Fair Trading's Website.
SHNBG Is manged by a Committee comprising President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, plus at least 3 Ordinary Committee Members. The Committee has formal meetings at 3-monthly intervals, with additional as required. We run an open democratic organisation, and informal discussions over morning tea during the weekly working bees help to achieve this. Our Annual General Meeting is usually scheduled for the first Monday in August.
Shoalhaven City Council (SCC)
Our Botanic Garden has been developed on a council reserve and consequently SHNBG comes under the auspices of Shoalhaven City Council. Close liaison and a good working relationship is maintained between SHNBG and SCC.
As a formal Pakcare Group, SHNBG and its volunteers are subject to Council's policies, procedures and regulations as set out in SCC's Parkcare Manual. A copy of this is available on site at the Garden.
In addition, our Botanic Garden project is subject to the SHNBG Parkcare Action Plan: developed through discussions between SHNBG and SCC; subsequently agreed to and adopted by SCC; and subject to review every 3 years. This Action Plan provides the Council approved plan for ongoing maintenance and future development of the Garden. A copy of this can be accessed here.
Botanic Gardens of Australia & New Zealand (BGANZ)
SHNBG maintains an associate membership with BGANZ in order to access wider resources and stay abreast of knowledge in our field of endeavour. We also encourage networking opportunities with other like minded organisations including botanic groups and garden clubs.
Committee meetings and morning teas are inclusive and relaxed