About Us ...
Shoalhaven Heads Native Botanic Garden is the Work of Volunteers
We operate as a volunteer parkcare group (under the auspices of Shoalhaven City Council) and we have established a self-governing incorporated association (Shoalhaven Heads Native Botanic Garden Incorporated) to manage our project.
The number of volunteers varies as people come and go, but typically it is in the range of 12 to 18 people. New members are always welcome!
Whilst some people are able to offer botanic / horticultural / proficient gardening skills, many of our volunteers become involved because they simply wish to contribute to a good community project and / or learn about gardening and horticultural matters.
The time required is flexible, entirely to suit what is possible for each individual. There are regular weekly working bees for about two hours every Monday, starting at 8 am. Occasionally we have more intensive work efforts to complete special projects. And there are ongoing rosters for watering and grass mowing.
If you think this could be of interest please contact the Secretary on 0429 012 796 or email secretary@shnbotanicgarden.org
Or simply turn up at 8 am any Monday morning and introduce yourself for an obligation free participation to find out if this is for you.
Parkcare volunteers at a Monday morning working bee. See some in action in the following video: