Man Made Features
Garden art, landscaping and man made structures complement the Botanic Garden's plants ...
Green tree frog made bylocal artist Grant Findlay
Sandstone lizard carved by Arenaria Sculptures
A Sundial to set your watch by !
Enabled by the Shoalhaven Heads Handicrafts Group
Purpose cast for its location and carefully installed, the sundial provides amazing accuracy and offers a motto:
"The greatest maxim I can give is make the most of the hours you live"
Water feature handcrafted by Bruce Hennessy, local wood artisan
Pencils+ made by volunteer Peter Smith
Mushrooms fabricated from old plough discs coming off a nearby farm
Mosaic created by local artist Susan Erskine
Inspired by the nearby Gymea Lily - Doryanthes excelsa
Carved log by Jerrinja man Uncle Noel Wellington
Indigenous poles increasingly mark the South Coast landscape
Carbon ball by Michael Stone, Two Birds Landscape.
Mural on the neighbouring Men's Shed by artist Clayton Campion, a work commissioned by Shoalhaven City Council
Garden's amenities improved by mural artists
The Arbor, which provides the formal entry to the Botanic Garden, is made entirely of Blackbutt timber - Eucalyptus pilularis. Eventually it will be covered by native creepers and vines. It was modelled on a structure in the Pioneer Park at Dorrigo NSW.
Looking forward beyond 2022 our vision for an integrated wheelchair accessible boardwalk and sculptured viewing platform is being developed ...