
Finance to Fund the Shoalhaven Heads Native Botanic Garden

It is essential that the plans and work efforts of our parkcare volunteers are accompanied by enabling finance. Funding is achieved in various ways and revenue comes from a variety of sources:


Donations have been generously made by many individual people, visiting groups, other community organisations and local businesses. These demonstrate strong community support for our project, are tremendously encouraging, and will always be vital to our work. Donations of plants, materials and other items have also been very valuable and we greatly appreciate these generosities.

Financial donations can now be made efficiently and safely online by credit card payment or by electronic fund transfer, but they can also still be made in cash or by cheque if preferred.

Donations can be made directly by EFT into our IMB Bank Account:

  • Account Name : Shoalhaven Heads Native Botanic Garden

  • BSB : 641-800

  • Account Number : 2006 09203

  • Please reference with "Donation" plus your Full Name

Tree Sponsorships

Tree sponsorships have financed the costs of many specimen trees accompanied by information signage. This was particularly helpful in our early years and there are now about 40 sponsored plants in the Garden. This also provides people with a tangible point of connection to the Garden. It continues to be important and has been broadened to include not only specimen trees & other plants but also garden art & sculptural elements. A copy of our sponsorship policy and application form can be Download here,

Direct Fundraising Activities

Direct fundraising work carried out by the Botanic Garden volunteers is consistent and productive. This is primarily through plant sales, but organising raffles, running bric-a-brac stalls, and participation in Shoalhaven Heads' annual Village Fair are also important fundraisers.

Shoalhaven City Council

The support of Shoalhaven City Council is fundamental to our project. Through its Parkcare program Council delivers personal protective equipment and basic garden tools, and funds minor works and materials supply. As the owner of Curtis Reserve (where our Botanic Garden is located) it has developed and maintains council infrastructure there: barbecue & picnic shelter facilities; children's playground equipment; public toilet amenities; the park's water supply; and rubbish & green waste disposal.

Botanic Garden plant sales provide a  strong income stream  Village Fair Shoalhaven Heads Native Botanic Garden

Botanic Garden plant sales provide a strong income stream

CDSE grant from Heads Bowlo financed our ride on mower

CDSE grant from Heads Bowlo financed our ride on mower

Government and Community Grants

Government and Community Grants have played a vital role and have often been the key to achieving our more substantial development proposals. Our standing as an incorporated association has ensured eligibility to make grant applications for specific purposes. Successful outcomes and grants that have been received include:

  • Berry & District Garden Club : $1,000 in 2012, $2,000 in 2013, $2,000 in 2016 and $4,000 in 2018 - all to give impetus and encouragement for various projects within the Garden, including a Blackbutt timber hexagonal seat around the Moreton Bay Fig.

  • Clubs NSW Community Development & Support Expenditure Grants :

From Bomaderry Bowling Club : $3,724 in 2011 to purchase our first ride-on mower an trailer.

From Shoalhaven Heads Bowling & Recreation Club : $4,500 over the period 2010 to 2015 to enable acquisition of plants and materials; plus $5,000 in 2017 for a replacement ride-on mower.

  • IMB Bank Community Foundation : $3,000 in 2013 for rainwater tank etc; $1,650 in 2014 for "Birds of the Arboretum" sign; $1,500 in 2017 to assist with signage for Western Australia native plants; and $2,000 in 2021 to acquire a Defibrillator facility.

  • NSW Government Equipment Grant : $1,520 in 2009 when meager resources to acquire even basic equipment was a challenge.

  • NSW Government Community Grant : $12,266 in 2012 to build a secure garden storage shed - a great leap forward at that time.

  • NSW Government Volunteers Grant : $2,830 in 2012 to assist garden development including hothouse for the plant nursery.

  • NSW Government Community Building Partnership Program : Grant of $21,470 in 2014 for construction of The Arbor, the iconic Blackbutt timber structure that provides a formal entry to the Garden.

  • NSW Government Community Building Partnership Program : Grant of $8,800 in 2019 to assist with the relocation and upgrading of the plant nursery.

  • Shoalhaven City Council : Donations of $2,000 in 2012 to enable purchase of plants; $2,000 in 2014 for painting murals on the toilet blocks; and $2,000 in 2015 "seed money" to start adding Western Australia native plants to our collection.

  • Shoalhaven Tourism : $5,500 in 2018 towards installation of highway & main road tourist direction signs ("Brown Signs').

  • Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority : $4,575 in 2012 to enable interpretive signage for plants in the garden.

Grants from Berry Garden Club have provided strong support

Grants from Berry Garden Club have provided strong support

The Garden's stalls at the Village Fair assist our fund raising

The Garden's stalls at the Village Fair assist our fund raising

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