Flowers in the Garden
If you are here at the right times, there are many spectacular flowers to be enjoyed in our Shoalhaven Heads Native Botanic Garden ....
If you are here at the right times, there are many spectacular flowers to be enjoyed in our Shoalhaven Heads Native Botanic Garden ....
Acacia fimbriata flowering mid winter to Spring
Acacia fimbriata flowering mid winter to Spring
Acacia elata flowering December to February
Acacia elata flowering December to February
Acacia howittii [sticky wattle] flowering in October
Acacia howittii [sticky wattle] flowering in October
Alpinia caerulea [native ginger] flowering late Spring to Summer
Alpinia caerulea [native ginger] flowering late Spring to Summer
Angophora costata [smooth barked apple] flowering October to December
Angophora costata [smooth barked apple] flowering October to December
Angophora floribunda [rough barked apple] flowering November to March
Angophora floribunda [rough barked apple] flowering November to March
Bachousia anisata [ Aniseed Myrtle] flowering in Spring
Bachousia anisata [ Aniseed Myrtle] flowering in Spring
Banksia Birthday Candles flowering Autumn to Spring
Banksia Birthday Candles flowering Autumn to Spring
Banksia plagiocarpa [blue banksia] occurs only on Hinchinbrook Island, flowering from February to July
Banksia plagiocarpa [blue banksia] occurs only on Hinchinbrook Island, flowering from February to July
Banksia serrata [old man banksia] flower spikes appear over Summer
Banksia serrata [old man banksia] flower spikes appear over Summer
Castanospermum australe [blackbean tree] flowering during Summer
Castanospermum australe [blackbean tree] flowering during Summer
Crinum pedunculatum[spider lily] flowering November to March
Crinum pedunculatum[spider lily] flowering November to March
Hakea laurina [pincushion hakea] flowering April to July
Hakea laurina [pincushion hakea] flowering April to July
Homalanthus populifolius [bleeding heart] flowering September to December
Homalanthus populifolius [bleeding heart] flowering September to December
Elaeocarpus reticulatus [blueberry ash] flowering October to January
Elaeocarpus reticulatus [blueberry ash] flowering October to January
Elaeocarpus reticulatus [Prima Donna] flowering in Spring
Elaeocarpus reticulatus [Prima Donna] flowering in Spring
Callistemon little john flowering September to December
Callistemon little john flowering September to December
Aleurites moluccanus [candle nut tree] flowering can occur all year round
Aleurites moluccanus [candle nut tree] flowering can occur all year round
Davidsonia pruriens [davidsons plum] flowering from July
Davidsonia pruriens [davidsons plum] flowering from July
Melaleuca linariifolia [snow in summer] flowering from October to February
Melaleuca linariifolia [snow in summer] flowering from October to February
Pavetta australiensis [butterfly bush] flowering in Spring and early Summer
Pavetta australiensis [butterfly bush] flowering in Spring and early Summer
Persoonia pinifolia [Geebung] flowering late Winter to Summer
Persoonia pinifolia [Geebung] flowering late Winter to Summer
Solanum aviculare [Kangaroo apple] flowering Spring and Summer
Solanum aviculare [Kangaroo apple] flowering Spring and Summer
Stenocarpus sinuatus [Queensland firewheel tree] flowering February to March
Stenocarpus sinuatus [Queensland firewheel tree] flowering February to March
Citrus australasica [finger lime] flowering late Summer to Autumn
Citrus australasica [finger lime] flowering late Summer to Autumn
Cleredendrum tomentosum [hairy lolly bush] flowering October to January
Cleredendrum tomentosum [hairy lolly bush] flowering October to January
Brachychiton acerifolius [Illawarra flame tree] flowering late Spring
Brachychiton acerifolius [Illawarra flame tree] flowering late Spring
Doryanthos excelsa [Gymea lily] flowering occurs in Spring
Doryanthos excelsa [Gymea lily] flowering occurs in Spring
Xanthorrhoea australis [grass tree] flowering varies for each species often stimulated by bush fire
Xanthorrhoea australis [grass tree] flowering varies for each species often stimulated by bush fire
Hernandia bivalvis [grease nut tree] flowering in Spring
Hernandia bivalvis [grease nut tree] flowering in Spring
Grevillea baileyana [white oak] flowering Spring and Summer
Grevillea baileyana [white oak] flowering Spring and Summer
Grevillea flamingo, there is a large variety of grevillea and most flower throughout the year
Grevillea flamingo, there is a large variety of grevillea and most flower throughout the year
Hymenosporum flavum [native frangipani] flowering in Spring
Hymenosporum flavum [native frangipani] flowering in Spring
Buckinghamia celsissima [ivy curl tree] flowering over Summer and Autumn
Buckinghamia celsissima [ivy curl tree] flowering over Summer and Autumn
Sterculia quadrifida [peanut tree] flowering November to January
Sterculia quadrifida [peanut tree] flowering November to January
There is also an area dedicated to native plants from Western Australia
There is also an area dedicated to native plants from Western Australia